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I have been an audio engineer since 1977 and love everything having to do with music, sound, and recording technology.

The recording industry is an industry in transition these days due to the widespread availablility of powerful computers and recording software putting unprecedented capabilities in the hands of musicians. As a professional from the “Analog Era” I am embracing the new changes and seeing how they can make the music I make and produce better.

This new version of my website has many more music selections and expanded content throughout and hopefully showcases my thirty five plus year career as an engineer at Group Effort Studios in Northern Kentucky, (a fantastic relationship that is as much a part of my professional history as anything else I’ve ever done, except I guess for taking up the trombone at age 10!) and Ultrasuede studios since 2011.

The big news lately is that I've relocated to the Hilton Head Island South Carolina area as of August 1, 2015 to ply my trades to the musicians in the Low Country. I've opened a new studio here called Hilton Head Audioworks. I'm also going to be making the most of the "collaborate thru the internet" capabilities that are available to us all by doing file sharing, remote mixing, real-time collaboration and mastering of finished projects. Actually, I have been doing all this for years already, it'll just be at a greater distance!

"I love using my extensive knowledge of music and styles, recording techniques and advanced audio software to help my clients consistently achieve results beyond their expectations."

I have a no-compromise, surround capable control room environment at home which will allow the freedom to work whenever I need to and since so much of recording these days is done “inside-the-box” a rockin’ computer setup and critical listening environment is basically all you need to do about 50% of the work I do.

Please feel free to look around at the site and see the kinds of services I offer, what I charge and listen to examples of my work. I am blessed to work with some of the finest musicians in the area and I believe that will show when listening to my demos.