Logic Videos Assignment
Hello everyone, here is a questionnaire style assignment to fill out that will tell me if you have an adequate knowledge of the basics of LogicPro to do real work in the program, which is after all the goal of the recording class. Every answer to these questions is contained in the demo videos I prepared and uploaded to blackboard; I expect everyone to get 100%.
One note of caution however: since this is a form-based assignment and rather lengthy, if your browser were to crash while you are in the middle of it all of your answers would be lost and you'd have to start over from the beginning. To prevent that I suggest you write all your answers in a word processing document that you can save often and when you have all your answers, copy and paste them into the text fields or push the appropriate buttons and submit the assignment by hitting the big black SUBMIT button at the end. Don't say I didn't warn you and remember, your time is your most valuable asset!